representation of religion biased against women would be the Catholic religion.
Recently there has been controversy in the news about privately owned
hospitals, Catholic owned, not accepting the ruling that they should pay and
provide women with contraceptives. The Catholic Church believes that abstinence
is commanded by the Bible, therefore it is an infringement of the government on
their religious liberties to make something available for women to have access
to sex outside of marriage more easily.
main argument I see for allowing religions to abstain from participating in
providing contraceptives is two fold. First these religions own these hospitals
outside of government funding. If the government has given no support to these
people then they have no right to enforce practices within these institutions
as long as they are safe practices. Secondly the idea of consent plays a large
part in how people interact with their religion. In America people are allowed
to choose what moral authority they adhere to. When one chooses to live by
certain code in a certain society then they have opted to abide the privileges
and the rules of that society. People who use Catholic Hospitals must submit to
their code of living, if not choose a public institute. A government in America
cannot infringe on a religious institute if they are not harming any one. Hence
a religious organization, such as the Catholic Church, have the right not to
provide a service that goes contrary to their beliefs.
contrary argument would be that if the Catholic Hospital is working within a
country and a society than it should provide for the community in a way that
best fits their needs. Women should have a choice whither or not they want to
behave according to the Bible. The religious organization should not dictate
the terms of the participants. The Catholic Church is consenting to operate
within a certain field that the government has tight demands over to ensure the
safety of those who use hospitals. Since the government has a strong presence
within this business the government should be able to dictate that women have
the choice to use contraceptives. In this instance the religious organization
is abusing women’s right to choose whither or not they have the right to
choose, therefore taking away people’s liberty of choice. The government should
protect the rights of those women to choose.
personally agree with those who say that the freedom of religion should be
protected. A larger group of people fall under the protection of religion then
that of those individuals who wants the right to free contraceptive. People who
want contraceptives have other choices besides that of the Catholic Church’s
resources. Their rights of choice are not being affected because they can
search else for it. Once you challenge one right of religion you open the door
to challenge all of them. Therefore the opposing argument looses water due to
the fact that there are other options and there is more at risk when
challenging the rights of all those within religion.
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